Download and fill out the Free Living Will Form.
Fill out our free online living will in PDF format. This private, confidential Colorado living will form allows you to make your wishes known in the event that you are on life support and unable to communicate.
Our attorneys know that you have the right to make your own decisions regarding your medical care. If, however, you are in a condition that makes it impossible for you to give instructions, the only way that your wishes may be known is if you have provided an advance directive such as a living will. With the help of a free living will template from our lawyers you can get the forms filled out and begin the process soon.
Denver, Fort Collins, Colorado Springs and surrounding area residents can use our free Colorado living will PDF form as a template to provide their families and health care providers with this information. A free living will form a lawyer does not in any way take away your ability to make your own decisions when you are capable of doing so.
Lawyers know that there are specific rules and regulations regarding advanced directives can vary from state to state, so if you spend significant amounts of time in a number of different states, it can be a good idea to have advance directives in your free will that are in accordance with the laws of each state. There are several different forms and templates of advance directives that are recognized by the laws of Colorado and a good lawyer can help explain them to you. A free Living Will form gives a template and instructions concerning situations of terminal illness. A Medical Durable Power of Attorney directive, gained through a lawyer, gives someone you trust the power to make medical decisions for you, and a CPR Directive form instruct health care providers not to perform CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) on you. A Medical Durable Power of Attorney, CPR Directive, or free living will in Colorado also often includes instructions concerning organ donation on its free template.
If you have already prepared a free living will through an attorney in another state, it may still be valid in Colorado. However, we recommend you use the template of our free Colorado living will form to prepare a new living will under Colorado law and our Denver area living will attorney can help you with all of the forms and templates.
There are several reasons to have a free living will drawn up by a lawyer. Colorado residents can use our free living will form template from our living will attorneys to give instructions concerning when and whether medical personnel should provide artificial nourishment (i.e. a “feeding tube”), and other life sustaining procedures. A free living will from a lawyer may also contain information regarding organ donation. Your doctor must either follow the instructions set out in your living will, or hand you over to a doctor who will.
By filling out and signing our free Colorado living will form template you can instruct your physician to withhold or halt life support if:
Your free living will from an attorney may also instruct health care personnel to remove a feeding tube or other artificial nourishment if it is the only care being provided. Enough care and nourishment will be provided to prevent you from experiencing pain. Using our template for a free Colorado living will form, you can instruct your doctor to remove artificial nourishment immediately, or after a certain period of time set out in your free living will drafted by your attorney, or you can specify that you never want nourishment withheld.
Nearly anybody over the age of 18, who is mentally competent, can be the executor of a living will. Some exceptions follow. The person you choose to execute your living will cannot be:
Your living will lawyer will also let you know that signing of your living will must be witnessed by two people. None of the above people are eligible to be your witnesses. If you are unable to sign your will, you may direct someone to sign it on your behalf through an attorney.
Your lawyer will also let you know that you can destroy and invalidate your living will at any time, should you change your mind. This can be done by physically destroying the document, by revoking it in writing, or by telling anyone that you wish to invalidate it. If you destroy a living will, you should inform your family, your doctor, and anyone who has a copy, like your attorney.